RI Seafood Commercial Fishing Microgrant Program Grant Funding Workshop


Virtual Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82181514214?pwd=ei9tRlJPTmRaOWtMYTNaVmZjVkdnZz09

RI Seafood and the Seafood Marketing Collaborative is hosting a help session webinar for the FY 2024 RI Seafood Commercial Fishing Microgrant Program on March 18 from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm.  This webinar will also be filmed for individuals that cannot attend and provided upon request.  We will provide an overview of the grant program, have the Department of Administration available for troubleshooting and system questions, and provide guidance on next steps for applicants.

Applications accepted from February 26 to March 22.

The Commercial Fishing Microgrant Program is a pilot grant program that will provide competitive small grants (up to $5,000) to seafood businesses and commercial fishermen to bolster their efforts in the commercial fishing industry. The purpose of this grant is to allow fishermen to focus their efforts on expanding their landings and build their businesses from the decline experienced during COVID-19 pandemic.  This can include grants for technology updates, equipment purchases, safety equipment or training for new staff, and other expenses that would otherwise prevent fishermen from furthering their business. Additional details and information on how to submit an application are provided here.

Event Type: Public Comment Hearing/Workshop All DEM Events Education Opportunities Featured Event Public Meetings

Contact: For additional information or questions, contact Molly Ogren, Chair of the Seafood Marketing Collaborative at Molly.Ogren@dem.ri.gov or Jordyn Kastlunger, Fisheries Marketing Specialist at Jordyn.Kastlunger.ctr@dem.ri.gov