Short Articles/Monthly Tips

Short Articles/Monthly Tips

Monthly Tip: January

A non-toxic new year

It’s tough to think about the New Year without thinking about New Year’s resolutions.

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Monthly Tip: February

Have a heart – keep pavements clean

Valentine’s Day might be just for lovers, but February is the month for everyone to show that they have a heart for our water resources.

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Monthly Tip: March

Spring cleaning sweeps in

Lions, lambs, college basketball, and spring cleaning are what come to many people’s minds when they think of the month of March. And since we don’t have much to say about weather forecasts or tournament predictions, we thought we’d share some of our stormwater-friendly spring cleaning tips instead.

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Monthly Tip: April

Looking on the bright side of rain

April showers bring May flowers, but how do you deal with all that rain in the meantime? Currently, many Rhode Island towns are working to reduce the effects of polluted stormwater runoff, which is the water you see flowing down the street when it rains. One way that residents of the community can help is by diverting rooftop runoff away from pavement.

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Monthly Tip: May

A smart look forward to summer gardening

For many people, May is the true beginning of summer gardening. And while achieving a lush green lawn, beautiful flowers, and hearty summer vegetables are understandable gardening goals, some gardening and lawn care practices can have detrimental effects on our local water resources.

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Monthly Tip: June

“Running off” to the beach

The month of June signals the start of the official beach season. Most Rhode Islanders spend at least some time at their local beaches each summer, enjoying the sun, the sand, and the water.

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Monthly Tip: July

Parades, pet waste and pollution

With the Fourth of July fireworks and parades often come reminders to keep your pets indoors, safe from the loud noises and crowds.

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Monthly Tip: August

Give your water use a vacation, too

August is vacation time for many families, and with vacations come those last-minute checklists of items to do before you go.

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Monthly Tip: September

Once is enough

For many families, September is a busy month. The back-to-school rush seems to fall at the same time that we also want to enjoy the last days of summer.

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Monthly Tip: October

What do leaves and storm drains have in common?

Hopefully nothing! Please always bag or compost your leaves. Never rake leaves into the street or into the storm drain.

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Monthly Tip: November

Don’t be a turkey – protect waterways from stormwater pollution

November means Thanksgiving which means visions of turkeys on the table.

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Monthly Tip: December

Giving gifts that give back

December is a busy month for many people, and these days, a lot of that busy-ness centers on gift-giving.

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